If you wish to make any changes to your order or cancel the order, you must contact us to do so as soon as possible. We will then contact you to let you know whether the change/cancellation is possible at the stage and confirm any details including any product modification, delivery details, price change or refund.
Cancellations can only be considered before the goods have been physically dispatched.
You can also opt out of our service by deactivating your account (if applicable) or contacting us directly.
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 allows you to claim a refund on faulty goods within 30 days of receipt. In case of faulty or damaged goods, we may offer to replace or give you refund including any postal charges. The item has to be returned to us in their original packaging and receipt state. If you believe any of the items you have received are damaged or faulty or sent to your in error, please contact My Private Pharmacist during our opening hours as soon as possible to report it.
We are happy to accept returns (for non-medicinal products) if the goods are returned in their original condition and packaging and as long as any hygiene seals remain intact. For returning any non-medicinal products, you must advise us about your intention to return the goods as soon as possible and within 30 calendar days from the date of your purchase.
Please note that we will not accept exchange/refund for any non-medicinal product that has a hygiene seal that has been broken!
Your refund will be processed once we receive your returned items. Refunds are credited to the original card you paid with and this may take up to 5-7 working days, depending on your card provider. We will refund any standard postage paid on orders returned in full in one occasion.
Refunds exclusion:
As a Pharmacy, we are not legally permitted to accept returns or exchange of any medicinal product once the goods have physically left our registered premises due to safety reasons; therefore, we DO NOT accept exchange/returns/refunds for any medicines under any conditions once the order has been processed and goods are dispatched from the pharmacy.
In the event of a supply being made to you due to an error or shortfall caused by us, we will happily accept your returns/refunds for all products, as a proof of our dedication to provide you with an outstanding service. The returned goods will be discarded safely as appropriate.
If you require any more details, please also visit Frequently asked Questions, Terms & Conditions of Service and Privacy Policy
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All orders over £50
Our expert pharmacists and customer care team are just a click away!
Your Safety is Our Priority – As a fully registered UK pharmacy, we follow strict safety protocols to protect your health and privacy when ordering medicines online.
For any questions, message us on WhatsApp or call 0203 771 8076.
📅 Opening hours: Weekdays 9 am – 6 pm, Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm.
My Private Pharmacist pharmacy services provided by Haoma Pharma Ltd. Company Reg. No. 08769418 England. All Rights Reserved. © 2024